Archive | January 29, 2012

Hello I’m Kathy and this is my Avon World

Welcome to my world of Avon!

This is my first ever blog and hope that I will be able to share with you my Avon life.  Through out this journey I hope to explore real issues in regards to skin care, hair care and of course make up.  Giving out Tips and tricks, Money saving ideas and shopping comparisons to the Big high end cosmetics distributors.   I may even throw in some special deals. Maybe some exclusive coupons and offers just for my follower’s.  So stay tune and walk with me through this journey!!

It's me Avon Lady Kathy

That’s me and here is a little bit of my story.  I am a mother of 2 daughters and the stepmother of 2 boys.  Grandmother to 3 beautiful children:  a boy 2 yrs. and miracle twin girls 7 months.

I joined Avon in June 2010 to earn extra money, as most people do. What the heck $10 bucks to join, why not what have I got to lose right. Small cost to start, no inventory to buy no kits to buy.. just take the catalogs and hand them out and the product will sell itself right!  So the journey began. Fully motivated and ready to become an “Avon Mogal” as my husband always says.  I needed $50 to place my 1st order and, oh no, I had only 3 days to get it together before my order had to be placed.  How the heck was I going to make this happen..well I started the training and reading everything I could get my hands on. Time was ticking away. Then I had to take that GIANT step out the front door. Now I’m kind of a shy person and this was very out of my comfort zone. You can do this I kept telling myself.  There is a bigger picture here and you can make this work. So off I went determined to stay focused and positive..Second door I knocked on got an order. Now I’m excited and pumped up. This is fantastic and so easy.  Six months later I am still knocking on doors and loving the adventure of it all.  All continues to go well from that point forward making a little money and growing.  Then one Saturday 4 months into this something very exciting happens and everything changes.  I knock on someones door. Husband answers and he tells me his wife has always wanted to sell Avon, come in and talk to her. Next thing I know  I’m recruiting my 1st down line representative. Oh my god how did that happen and what the heck do I do now!  The leadership talks began and I was on my way to becoming a sales leader. Now seven months later I have a team of representative and new goals for 2012.

“AVON~The company that puts mascara on lashes and food on tables and kids through college, that fights wrinkles with one hand and Breast Cancer with the other.  That knows the value of a perfect lip, but still opens its mouth and speaks out against Domestic Violence and for women’s financial independence.  This is the company that not only brings beauty to doors, but also opens them.  That company that supports 6 million Representatives in over 100 countries.  This is Avon.  The company, that for 125 years, has stood for beauty, innovation, optimism and above all for women”.  

If my story interests you and you would like the opportunity to make your dreams come true. Join my team today and for $10 you can start a whole new chapter in your life. If you would like to see the latest catalog and purchase from me go to my website.

Reach me at 619-994-4532 ~ ~